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Try Try and Try Again

For any professional sports team, it is of great value to get fans to attend the stadium hours before the game and spend time and/or money. To attract families for instance, it is highly advantageous to arrange pre-game parties and contests inside or around the stadium before the game, e.g. a ‘fun zone’ entailing kid-focused activities, contests, and sponsor activation. Amplify your fan engagement this season with our Inflatable rugby games which cover all of the above, and allow your team to build meaningful relationships with fans through experiential marketing in the form of rugby specific inflatable games.

All our inflatables are made of high-quality materials, which meet all Australian standards.  They are easy to use, thus perfectly suited to operators of all experience levels. This ensures a fun, safe and memorable time for all users.

Action Tackle

Inflatable Field

3 Lane Activity


Action Tackle

Built to activate two fans at a time, these inflatables are highly branded, and dominate the space they’re in. They are perfect for use in practising tricky, rugby specific skills in a safe and controlled space, providing soft landings for those big tackles.

For an added challenge or competitive style activation you can add a g force meter and display screen.


An inflatable rugby field defines a play area in minutes! Get training and kick some goals in an elegant and well-branded space for memorable brand activation. Inflatable Rugby fields include built-in goals, so there’s no need to carry extra equipment!

Inflatable Rugby fields can be customised to suit any size specification. For larger fields, they can be split into U shaped modules, which are connected once inflated to create a larger play area. This modular method makes it easy for smaller teams to operate large inflatables on rugby fields.

3 Lane Activity

Train the next generation of Ruby champions with a 3 lane activity unit.  This customisable unit can facilitate 3 unique activities.  Choose to train aim/accuracy skills, speed, endurance or any other rugby specific skill you can think of!

The arcade-style format of this inflatable ensures endless fun for hours.


The Goal Arch is another  highly branded inflatable that dominates its space. Its sheer size and height ensure the activation and branding is always visible, even in crowds. This rugby themed inflatable is the perfect mix of advertising/branding and practical skills activation. The large rear arch is perfect for branding and advertising, while the goals are great for interactive rugby activations.

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